The Uniparty Vs. The American People
Many in our “news” media (aka the Democrat Party Propaganda Unit) were thrilled when Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and other members of the Republican Party like Liz Cheney, criticized Donald Trump, for example, when, upon the publication of the recommendations of the transparently partisan and politically motivated Jan. 6th Committee, McConnell said that “the entire nation knows who is responsible for [the Jan. 6, 2021Capitol riots].”
Since McConnell did not mention anyone by name and since it is now verified that Nancy Pelosi knew about the threat of violence on Jan. 6th but refused the National Guard troops Trump offered, one can only assume that McConnell must mean that Pelosi is responsible for the riot. Only kidding! McConnell would never criticize his fellow “Uni-party” Democrat Party BFF’s in that way. McConnell reserves his ire for the only Republican to have won the presidency in the past 13 years (the one virtually nobody said he could win in 2016) and his supporters. McConnell plainly means that the entire nation knows that Trump is “responsible” for the riot on Jan. 6th.
In fact, that claim is transparently false. To take one significant example, the distinguished George Washington University professor of constitutional law, Jonathan Turley, a self-described liberal Obama voter, finds that the Jan’ 6th Committee’s legal case against Trump is extremely weak. In fact, since Turley actually knows something, in contrast with the plethora of partisan talking-heads paraded daily across our television screens singing from the same hymnal, and since Turley has somehow, in our petty partisan age, managed to retain his integrity, anyone who actually wants to discern the truth on controversial political issues should always consult Turley’s legal opinion on the relevant factual and legal issues of the day to check their own opinions. One must, therefore, wonder why McConnell is so eager to make transparently false statements to smear his Party’s last successful presidential candidate. It makes one wonder whose side McConnell is really on.
It is, further, a bit surprising that Democrats and the media are so moved by McConnell’s claim because they normally detest him. In fact, the “news” media decides which of McConnell’s assertions to celebrate depending on whether they support their Democrat Party narrative or not – or, putting the same point a bit differently, the media’s decision whether to celebrate McConnell’s claims or not is entirely unprincipled.